Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life's strange....

We finish... Only to start again...
Learn from your mistakes and plan a new beginning.

We like people ...only to find faults in them later...
Respect people's their quality (good or bad) that makes them what they are,

We are happy... only to get sad again...
Remember the happy moments those will help you get over the sadness.

We meet people...only to depart from them later..
Spread the smile disease, they may not remember your name but they'll remember "you".

We eat get hungry again...
Always have an appetite to learn new things.

We fall in love only to get hurt later...
That's life's way to teach you ... "some things happen for good"

We sleep only to fall in sleep again...
See more dreams ... dream your own world not only with your eyes closed.

We earn money only to spend them later...
Spend them in a way that helps the society.

We breathe only to die one day...
Do something for which you'll always be remembered.

We all experience the above
Life's strange...

But we all exist through all this somehow...
Let's take the situations as they are... and take them positively..
Let's try to make our life little more meaningful...
Life gives opportunity to everyone ... "make the most of now".

Feed the hamster! Click and Go nuts!