Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The ROOM (Horror)

I m new here
I have never lived in a hostel,
I feel strange…
But I have a story to tell….

Lights went out,
I moved timidly in my room
Searching a match box
I do believe in ghosts
So my creepy thoughts
Started directing scenes of
The script I heard the other day
They say,
There is someone else
Dwelling in my room
Along with me
Sort of an intruder
With no good intentions
My thoughts are plummeting
To the known fact,
Veronica 3rd year student,
Killed herself in this room a year ago
And before hanging herself from the ceiling,
She cut her nerves...
Just to ensure she's gone…
The darkness is giving me premonition
New pictures with scary faces
I m apostatizing my faith
I found the match box
As friction worked,
In the dim lightI saw something in my room
Something or someone...
I haven't seen in my deadliest imagination
A girl hanging from the ceiling
With scratches all over her body
Perhaps the best possible use of a blade
She's completely drenched in blood
Slowly she untied herself from the ceiling
Got down on her knees, smilingly crawled ...towards me
Her red eyes with white eyeballs
Searched something in my eyes
My heart pouncing,
I cried out
My finger ached as the match burnt out
Everything blackened
And there was sudden stillness
I was in dilemma
Whether to light the match again
Gasping for breath,I chose my fate…
And lit another match
I did not see anything but the window,
And the girl climbing down it,
With her every movement
She wiped out the window with strainsof blood
The windowsill pouring blood in the room
Soon the door opened
My nervous system broke down...
I almost fainted...
With everything blurring out in front of my eyes
I breathed out for the last time...
All I remember is the laughter...
May be it was jus a prank...
Planned by my mates
May be there was no Veronica ever...
may be it was a joke...
But I wish I could breathe again......

**********Few years later************
I have had many roommates
But I have a new guest,
And I am too excited to meet her,
Welcome her..
.And show her the destiny…I had...
They say,
I live in this room……


  1. Ha ha...Nice experience...If I would have been in your place,I would have died..:D

    Keep writing


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