Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Most Beautiful Days || Childhood Days

Do you remember the times when your mom’s lap was the most comfortable mattress in the world and you loved sharing your “day events” with her explicating all details? Do you remember your first bicycle ride; recall how many times your body touched the ground but it seemed impossible for your feet to touch the same? Do you remember the times when your favourite teacher drew a smiley on your hand and you refused to wash your hands to make it stay longer? Do you recollect crying when you lost your favourite lunch box, pencil box or for your broken toys/crayons? Do you remember the times when cricket was called bat-ball, and power cuts were an insinuation to play hide-n-seek? Do you remember the days when you dozed off on sofa and magically woke up on bed? Do you think of the times when picking out colours seemed to be a difficult task as 24-shades colour set was not enough, or the times when drawing a scenery meant few brown coloured mountains along with a sun rising between them and a river flowing from between the mountains and a triangle-roofed-hut with a road coming straight from the front door? Do you remember the petty, rhyming fun filled jokes and poems, the times when your goals/Ambitions changed with each uniform in fancy dress competition? Do you retrieve the times when you eagerly waited for the summer vacations, planned to do something new like dancing, sketching and ended up sleeping the whole vacation? Remember the times when you liked colourful kites, colourful ribbons and colourful, glittery stickers? Do you remember flaunting the collections you made of tazos, tattoos, paper planes, dolls or all kind of free gifts you got? Do you commemorate your birthday celebrations, when cutting the cake was less important than opening the presents? Do you remember the days when watching Jerry shoot down Tom, Scooby doo solve a mystery, Uncle Scrooge carry out an adventure, Gummy Bears make new potions, Baloo pilot laughing made your day? Do you recollect the days when bathing in rains, playing in mud and making boats seemed the sole aim of the season? Do you remember when the bell rang after the last class and you fly like a bird freed from cage to get to your bicycle and go home, or the happy times when school was declared off due to a “rainy day” seemed like a dream come true? You remember staying in wet shoes, catching cold and then embracing the mix of bitter medicine along with sweet mother’s love? You remember falling in love with new toys especially the ones which were forbidden and later asking them as your birthday present felt like mission accomplished? Do you recall gloating each new silly tricks, games and pranks you learned? Do you remember your childhood dreams, day dreaming a bright future, a world full of creativity, fun where everyone is equally appreciated? Remember the days when you hated being kissed, or your cheeks being pulled hard or people calling you cute? You remember how a tiny butterfly or a colourful bird made you smile but a mighty cockroach/lizard scared the hell out of you?

And do you remember when you had the most beautiful days of your life and all you wanted was to “grow up” thinking elders enjoy more?

Being grown up isn’t as interesting as growing up is. This New Year make resolutions for growing up once again. Make time for parents, talk to them, love your friends, notice the nature, embrace failures and work harder, make time to set goals/dreams, observe your environment, there’s so much to learn, love yourself, you’re unique just like everyone else is, live in the present!


  1. it reminds me of d song
    i wanna grow up once again.hehe
    truly dey were d golden days of our life..hope such memories nvr phase out n we grow wid evry lesson, evry emotion attched wid our childhood days..wen cricket, football nvr existed and pithu gram,baraf pani, langdi taang were our ultimate games..
    when stomach ache was d only excuse dat hit our mind to escape d boring school
    wen passing waterbottles between class was so stupid and cute
    wen stealing chalks from teachr's table was never a crime
    wen we actually lived a life
    a life dat can nvr come back
    a life dats so pure and endearing

  2. So true Charu, i dont remember stealing chalks but whitening my white shoes is vivid in my memory graph! :)
    yes, the lame excuses, how can anyone forget them, creativity at it's best! :)
    loved childhood, loved every single moment.


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