Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I am scared of the "living" and not the "Spectre"

People say the ghosts,ghouls, demons and poltergeists are the most scariest and dangerous of all. I beg to differ because i feel in this era, they are not of much concern, rather men should fear men. In today’s world people are so selfish, so egocentric and so highly ambitious that they even risk their lives and in some case many lives to achieve wealth and materials. They forget their own origin, that they are humans and they carry a virtue called humanity which is only present in humans and hence the name "human-ity".But instead "animosity" is prefered over humanity. A certain class of people always tries to maintain their standards and walk at par with the society even if they are not permitted financially. Nowadays this class has permeated so badly that only brand names talk. This ostentatious nature is the latest craze in teenagers which is pretty horrendous as they are our future. People misconstrue that society worships the rich and not the poor or infamous. When in reality society does not really care for anyone, neither the rich nor the poor. Today the verity has lost its value and what remains is chimera made up of lies.

I don’t say that wearing branded clothes or living a riches life is bad, it’s good as long as the money with which all the pleasures are enjoyed is earned in a righteous way. Taking loans, despite of knowing that one can’t pay back, stealing and lying for money, cheating and fooling innocent people, taking advantage of someone’s miseries are some negative ways to live the racy life. And this die hard wish of fulfilling one’s vagaries leads to dire consequences, not only for them but also for others. People are ready to kill one another which is why i titled the article as " i m scared of the living and not the spectre".

i had my share of such an experience tonight. It befell at around 11pm, when stranger knocked on the door. I would actually like to rephrase and write, when a drunk man started banging on the door quite hardly, asking us to wake up our neighbors. He was so wasted that even upon our several refusals and reasoning he kept knocking and bawling incentives. He had some bone to pick with our neighbors over some issue,( and I am guessing borrowed money) but since they were not opening up, he lost it completely and banged on our door for haven. I got scared as i was alone with my mom, it was quite late with very few souls walking on the street and i had no idea if I should call the police. Suddenly several thoughts rushed into my head all starting with the most heart rending combination of 2 words,"what ifs". Soon a string of what ifs were revolving in my head, what if he breaks in ?, what if he follows me later some other day, what if he hurts my mother, what if he has a gun or a weapon.. ?!!
Soon the drunkard switched on a light of our verandah and said he’ll come in the night later to check on us as he was angry with us for not calling our neighbors.

We decided to stay inside the house and switch off all lights and shifted ourselves into a room which was at some distance from the main door. We didn’t talk and i tried to maintain sang-froid and supported my mom. Quite palpable to the situation, I was having a sleepless night, albeit my mom slept as i managed to be strong and held my emotions at least in front of her. It was indeed a very long night as i kept picturing and dramatizing the worst things in my head. I commemorated certain articles I read in the newspaper describing incidents where people killed others to seek vengeance. I never valued those articles and thought it was meant to be for them. Suddenly I felt sorry about all the people who faced such incidents, or about the girls who are being stalked and understood how scary it can get. In between my mother woke up twice and she seemed resilient.

Although we were not even involved in this matter as we knew neither about the wasted guy nor about the money or whatever was being borrowed still we suffered. And as the night passed by i started writing this article. Fear only men, the mortals and not the dead as the dead can hardly do as much harm as living demons can do. After this incident i knew one thing, even if God, or Chinese calendar or Mayan calendar has not planned to end human civilization, Humans themselves have done a very meticulous planning of ending its own civilization. People will kill each other for Lust, vulturine and rapaciousness and in this race to win over the world there will be no Last Man Standing.

1 comment:

  1. its just wow reema,,, i need to learn a lot from u, u portray thngs as if its happens in front of eyz, truly feel special aftr reading such expressive n intelligent stuff..keep d flame burning...god bless


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