Saturday, July 2, 2011

The internet is not written in pencil but in ink

Writing a blog used to be considered for people who love writing, who are into literature, but Soon blogging gained popularity and now it’s included in the daily chores of every common man who have an access to internet. People throw their emotions on the web without noticing the ethicality of their words. Some think it is a great way to seek revenge by disparaging and vilifying others; some just want to put their emotions deliberately on a platform where everyone has an access to. For centuries writing a diary is counted amongst the good habits and for some it’s as important as to brushing your teeth before you go to bed. Soon the very same habit was given a digital touch, but what people often forget is writing one’s day on a paper is different than writing the same on the web. A diary is usually confidential and reachable to only few a people but writing a blog means sharing your thoughts with thousands. Blogging is of many forms, some create a blog which is private among a small group only, and some write general articles to be shared with all. And yet it proves Blogging is a powerful tool. It can help change the way one thinks. It is very similar to the concept of movie reviews, which have the power to alter one’s perspective towards a particular movie. I don’t say reviews are the only thing that matters for a movie; still it plays a huge role. I personally have spurned watching certain movies just because the reviews were bad.

Not digressing, blogging helps us to know the different thoughts, suggestions and individual opinions. But blogging can be dangerous too. The reason I entitled the article “the internet is not written in pencil but in ink” (A dialogue that has gone cliché’ from the movie “the social network”) is because young people find this to be a fancy digital tool to humiliate someone in front of huge audience. Of course it’s a coward act of hiding behind the screen, writing repugnantly about someone. But the blogger forgets that though this scornful act of his might have placated him for the time but it leaves a profound impact on the victim's life. The victim is the subject of mockery and embarrassment for a much longer period of time .Not only this, in some cases soon after the assailant's rage pacifies he writes another blog to apologize. Only if life was this simple, everyone would have chosen to hurt and apologize over the internet, an easy way to escape the catharsis. People must realize that virtual life is different from the real life and virtual life harms one's real life. Recent studies which were published in many national newspapers also showed the impingement of social networking on young generation. Although a lot of people say that how on earth will others (the people not involved) ever understand what we are writing about. True, but one must know how this attitude will slowly devoid one of one’s emotions. One will be in a constant habit to skip the “emotional decision making part” of one’s life and avoid conversations. Rather discussing the same and sorting out the matter, he’ll prefer to write about it which will not be of any help. Within few years he’ll become a closed book, a very unsocial person who is hard to understand as he’ll never be able to show correct emotions.
Apart from displaying revenge and aggression on the global platform, few find it amusing to disclose their “affection” on net. Again, it’s very sweet to write good about someone, but is web the haven for lovers? Some find it an easy way to hit the bevy of ladies. I don’t say writing blogs are harmful, as long as the content is helpful or at least the content does not aim a person/group in a negative manner. Sharing recipes, games, poems and articles, paintings or even putting up classic videos or self composed music are some of the ways to make the most use of blogs. And I once read this in a book, that if you are angry with someone, write an email about it but never send it. Just by writing about it we are mollified, then why to send it and make the situation worse. Let’s use blog just for the purpose for which it was made, to share thoughts, ideas that help the world in some way. I know, there exists an evil for every good, but if each one of us try to be good, I hope the power of blogging can actually help cope up with many problems।

This is my view ,I look forward to any cogent arguments against my view.

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